Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Yesterday I visited

Yesterday Jim, Justin and I headed up to visit my parents. Jim had a sore throat so didn't talk much. Justin had a good nap in the afternoon, he slept there and back. This morning he is such a happy boy. :) Has a bad cough, but looking good.

Anyways, back to my parents.

When we arrived, just before lunch, Roel and Annie were there for a visit. They stayed for lunch.

Mom and Dad were looking pretty good. Mom's been struggling a bit with caring for Dad and trying to get the gardens in order for the season. I helped mom with some weeding of her flower beds and getting the potatoes into the ground. They had LOTS of potatoes. We wanted to get rid of them so we planted LOTS of potatoes in one whole where normally we would only put in one. :) The rest of them we put out to compost.

Big job done. Dad's heart more at ease because the potatoes are out, Mom's heart more at ease because her hubby is more at ease. We also had a nice visit. Justin played and helped them both to smile.

How is Dad? He still struggles a lot with bad muscle spasms. I asked what type of exercises they did, sounds like a good mix between strengthening and stretching. It's hard some days for Dad to do them because it hurts. His blood remains at a good level which is one less concern. And he is off the antibiotics which a blessing as well. The pain levels make it hard for Dad to get a proper sleep which in turn creates it's own problems.

According to Dr. Hupel the hip surgery was a complete success, now we just need to wait for his muscles to catch up to his activity level. It's a struggle.

Your continued prayers are appreciated.

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