Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Our boy Justin

So our son, our boyo is a little over 10 months old.

He has been finding life hard this week.

Being told no, Being put into playpens so mom-mom can work, Being bitten by his favourite fish when he sticks his hands in the water, thistles hurt when you step on them, and why can't I just have fruit for breakfast????? Getting pointy teeth is a bit painful. Napping is hard! Having a long cold is miserable. Life is hard being 10 months old.

Mind is also exciting sometimes. Tulips are fun! Even if mom-mom says...Gentle. Dirt is fun! To roll around on, to eat, to examine ever so carefully. Collie is becoming more important to him (stuffed collie dog that he found at the hospital rummage sale). Walks are good. Crawling under dad-dad's legs is just a hoot! Roast beef is new, fun to eat. Swimming is interesting and the little babies should be STARED at.

The cat still won't let Justin catch him. Riley has learned that tails do get pulled with little boys around so moving away is good. Sassy occasionally offers kisses and doesn't growl at him anymore! YEAH FOR THAT!!!

His favourite toys right now are his big stuffed dog, "collie", chairs that he can push around, pots and pans that make noise and a squirty toy in the bathtub.

He is into everything and LOVES to help his mom-mom clean out the fridge, boy how much fun that can be! BUT helping mom-mom do the sprinkler...that's he's not so fond of, especially if the sprinkler catches us! :)

Anyways, that's an update on the youngest member of our family.

The following picture is when he was a little younger.

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