Saturday, May 06, 2006

Where Am I From?

I've come across these poems? blogs? I don't know what to call them and I think they are a neat way of saying things about a person.

I got the basic template from here which also links to a variety of "froms" that other people have done. I think they are interesting to read. :) I thought I would give it a shot, and found it harder than I thought it would be. :)


I am from farmyard, from chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, geese and cattle. I am from farm dogs (collies of sorts) and dogs of my own.

I am from the the purple bedroom, the off-limits family room, big gardens, long lanes and the bush!

I am from the peonies, lilac bushes, picking marsh marigolds and irises to bring home to mom, the bush with the fish pond that we would swim and fish in.

I am from "would rather be in the barn" and "hard work never killed anyone", from siblings, Dutch roots and large families.

I am from the twice yearly large family gathering at Christmas and in summer, sledding, pot luck meals, and baseball.

From "you are so much like your grandmother" and "do you have to tie everything up?"

I am from conservative, calvinistic beliefs, a family that believed that God was God and worthy of our consideration and all that we do is for HIM!

I'm from Bill and Wilma, small town Ontario, "stumpot", crusts from the bread that Dad insisted we eat, three good meals a day and lots of love.

From fishing on vacation with my Dad while others went elsewhere, tying a brother up on the picnic table with brothers and sisters helping, the barn wall falling in on the calves when blowing up the old silo, and the brucellosis hitting the herd hard and having to start over.

I am from family albums filled with pictures from days gone past.

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