Friday, April 28, 2006

Today I gardened.... we have it.. a lovely warm day...started off with a bit of a chill though.. but the day heated up as it went along. As did I.

We had some dirt (topsoil) delivered to us yesterday and today I thought I'd top up the three raised beds that were feeling a deficet of dirt in them. Worked them done. Justin slept through most of it (took about an hour), but the last garden he was awake and talking to me as I shoveled dirt. I let him out for a bit to see what he would do and of course he made a beeline for the dirt and grabbed a handful of it. Would have eaten it too! (but I thought i'd rather not let him do that).

Anyways, when I got that done I did a couple loads of laundry, had lunch, let the boy have a nap, chatted with Jim for a bit, worked on the flower garden then walked the dogs and the boy again. When we got back I worked on the flower garden again - it was hard going. This garden has obviously not had the benefit of nice dirt in it. It was like digging in dried out clay! Tough sloughing...and I didn't get it done! I'm unimpressed..but gives me something to do tomorrow when the boy naps in the morning.

I have to admit... I"m feeling a bit jealous today, my neighbours peas are up, mine aren't AND they were planted on the same day! ARGH!!!... I want peas I do! I keep telling myself, they'll come up, It's all in God's timing...BUT I WANT PEAS!!!

Okay, I'm okay..done whining now. Need to bring in that last load of laundry off the line and feed the dogs and let in the piggies so enough typing for today.

1 comment:

Rileysowner said...

Yes, she gardened. And just so everyone knows, when she says that digging the flower garden is like digging dried out clay, take out the word "like" and you have the reality. The ground her is all mainly clay, and when dry is hard as . . . well . . . clay.