Sunday, May 21, 2006

Tollhaven Trials and Tribulations

Yesterday, May 20, 2006 Sassy and I were at the Tollhaven trial run by Gloria Mitchell.

We had a good day. We ran in three events.
Advanced standard - came in second with no "q". It was a good run with a refusal for a bar that I just didn't indicate clearly enough for her. BAD HANDLER!!!! Good lessons learned though! :)

Advanced team - Sassy ran her side clear but her partner....well let's just say both her and her handler had issues that day! No "q" for that! I was VERY pleased with the effort that Sassy put in.

Advanced Jumpers - Sassy got a case of the nerves due to an equipment change (which caused her to have to wait too long to run) and just wanted her treats and to go home.... So she ended up wasting time on course TRYING HARD to convince me that would be the right course of action. I tried to make up some of that lost time and made her rush a bit so...we had a knocked bar and a run by another jump. "q" there either BUT she still managed to come in fourth overall. This course was more challenging than I thought it would be ... only one team out of 18 ran it clear...and that was a jack russel who hadn't trialed in 1.5 years due to some issues that he had. We were VERY happy that he had a VERY successful day. YEAH ERNIE!

Ah goes on.

It was a good day though rather cold in the wind. We had a bit of rain, with a lot of overcast, the sky started clearing by early afternoon. Sassy was a well-behaved girl who was VERY sucky...not quite acting like herself...very clingy and not observant of things other than cookies and where we were positioned. So we did okay in spite of it all.

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