Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or treating

Justin went as a cat. A tabby cat to be specific.

Gramma tagged along. This excited the lad to just no end. :)

Justin was SO hyper and SO totally full of beans. Running and flying and saying "meow". kept it up 1/2 way around the block and then suddenly....he crashed. Wanted to ride in the bike trailer. Which led to us shortening our walk and just doing specific people for the 1/2 block home.

BUT before he crashed he made LOTS of people laugh and smile. :) He was very cute with his "meows" of trick or treat, and then his different "meow" of thank you.

He occasionally forgot his manners and would dive for the candy bowl and then needed to be reined in.
He occasionally got upset when people didn't know that he was a tabby cat and called him a tiger instead. :)
He mostly remembered to say thank you in one form or the other. :)
He mostly remembered to wait for candy and not grab.
He mostly remembered to say hi to people that he knew. :)

He stared at dismembered hands stuck in door ways.
He was fascinated by the "person" running away from the "witch", who made very strange noises as "he" ran away. (one of those motion sensors things that moves up and down and moans).
he loved the pumpkins and the pumpkins that were "throwing up" were a total fascination.

Some pumpkins were angry.
Some pumpkins were silly.
Some pumpkins acted like they wanted to eat other pumpkins.

He surprised one family by going "boo" (surprise with throwing grass up in the air). Was a total startle, but it was all cool. :) We didn't let a repeat happen though.

I LOVED the smiles of the grammas and grampas when he stopped in. One street close to us gets rare visitors as it is mostly a street of seniors. Just the huge smiles on their faces as Justin was very much himself. Brief conversations led to stories about missed grandchildren. :) That was the best part of the evening for me. Just loved that. :)

So that was trick or treating for us this year. Lots of fun for one four year, and lots of smiles for mom and gramma.

Jim stayed at home and handed out candy to SIX children. woohoo! we had six children. :)
TONS of caramels left though hmm....wonder who will eat those?????

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