Saturday, October 10, 2009

Long Time No Post

Hello all...

I know, it has been a while since I was last here. Ah well...I have been otherwise occupied with things.

Weird...I seem unable to hint the apostrophe button...sends me to a quick links button. odd that.

Today was a busy day.
Snuggled with Justin for an hour before getting up. read books, chatted etc.
then downstairs to check email, set the TV up, and then for me to go out and do the bunnies.
Ended up interrupting that process to talk on the phone with mom (Eva).
had breakfast with Justin before heading out to finish was I was doing with the bunnies.
Came in, talked with Jim, played with the lad and his lego. :)

Then cleaned the kitchen. Jim helped some! :) Got it 90% done too! :)

After that was done I headed outside with Justin to get some work done out there. Got the one composter empty. YEAH!!!!!! Got some dug out of the old composter (not as much as I hoped but some).
Got the given to me guinea pig cage emptied and set up for Harry to come pick up some day. He will be housing a rabbit in it over the winter.
Discovered we have four new guinea pigs from Annie! Surprise surprise! Eric will be a bachelor until at least January. He will not like that, but he will survive. :)

Oh ran out to pick up some groceries with the family. Got back to the house with a hungry lad.

What else?
Cared for bunnies. cooked sausage and taters for supper, Justin did something different he was HUNGRY!!! So he munched down while I cooked supper and did various things.

Relaxed over supper, put J to bed. Watched Stargate universe with Jim. Had a soak in the tub for an hour. Updated this and then I'll be off to bed.

Tomorrow is thanksgiving Sunday. I have much to be thankful for. :)

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