Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tansy Died

We lost our Tansy this weekend.

We picked her up at an over-crowded pet store. VERY fortunate that as a wee young one that she wasn't pregnant at the time. She needed some growing and maturing time.

She was never a strong pig, but she was gentle. VERY timid, but a nice little pig. Long-haired. Had a funny head....more pointy than our other ladies.

She absolutely LOVED green peppers....it's the only time we would find her standing up for herself. Anything else was ...ah... whatever...but green peppers...she would push to the front of the pack every time. :)

She had one litter, almost died from it, of the six born, one survived, who became a lovely boar. Her health demanded that she never be bred again.

She caught a cold about 10 days ago. Not sure how, just kinda crept up on her. We thought she rallied on us, and well....she didn't.

She was a good pig in her own quiet way.

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