Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March 14, update

Okay... I've recently realized I haven't updated you all on our lives recently.

The dogs - Riley continues to age, sometimes poorly, sometimes not. He slips and slides on the ice. Occasionally has diarrhea, is starting to smell "old dog", but still is soft mild-mannered dog, who tries to be good. he really tries. he enjoys treats for running away from Justin. :) Loves to go for long walks along the river.
- Sassy...become "FAT DOG" over the winter. She is currently under a lose weight regime, sorta like the other female in the house. :) Winter was hard on us that way. Hoping to get her into an agility trial in May.

The cat! LOVES Jim. Loves to sleep with Jim. Loves to run away from the boy (not that I blame him, I wouldn't appreciate a tail grabber either). Remains a nice cat.

The piggies - the four we have left are good pigs. Tanse had a cold recently, seems to be getting better though. Topper enjoys the stuffed fish he has for a cage mate. Helps him eat. Tasha and Itch continue to be good pigs though their dominance roles appear to be switching. Itch gets first dibs on everything lately.

Justin... ear surgery was a success. he talks more, and more clearly. Has more words to his vocabulary. He can sign please, more and milk- though not always appropriately. Goes through spells of favourite words, one week it was HAT. hat this, hat that. On hat, off hat. Has our coming in the house routines down pat. Coat off. Boots off. and will come after us if we leave any of the fore-a-mentioned on.

Jim. These past two weeks have had their challenges for him. Sometimes it's hard to be pastor. But it's had its good moments to. He had a lovely visit in Whitby with a pastor friend and his wife. He learned stuff at a workshop (he likes that!). He got a tool so he can properly fix the brake lines on his Sunrunner.

Me... continues! I had a good visit this week with one of our shut-in ladies. Made a new meal that Justin and I like. The house is not looking like a tornado recently passed through, but does need a bit of work done. I had a good visit with my parents last week, and then good shopping and visiting in Kitchener. The weather is warmer so I'm able to get out more with Justin. AND my sprained foot is for the most part, feeling pretty good.

My brother-in-law Paul continues to heal from his recurrent illness, which helps my sister be less worried. Last word was that he wasn't better yet.

My dad is back to puzzling. their basement has been all fixed up. Looks pretty good. He still has pain, hates being shut in during the winter. They are looking to sell the farm this summer and move somewhere in town.

My neice from my middle brother is doing a project on Haiti that I can help her with IF I manage to get my Haiti stuff up to her before it is due. Kinda neat that I went to Haiti and therefore have some things she can use. :)

So I think that's about it. talk more next week! :)

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