Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Our weekend

So this past weekend Jim had a pastoral assignment in Kingsville for preaching. We thought to save time so we headed up to Mom's for the weekend. It saved us an additional 40 minutes driving and meant that Justin could sleep longer in the morning.

Justin spent Sunday with Mom while Jim and I drove the 2.5 hours to the other church.

Jim preached the same sermon he did the Sunday before and I found it just as interesting the second time around. He can really change sermons! :)

We had a lovely visit at Flo and George's house. Flo did this really nice cave painting that I told her if she ever wanted to do another...she was more than welcome to give it to me. They served PECAN pie!!!! boy...what a nice way to make my man smile! :) AND they had almond fingers which I really like as well...hmm.....think someone told them our favourites? Buns and cheese for lunch and then we headed back to London.

Monday we brought in some of our old books to used book stores. Gained around $80 in cash and trade-in value. Can't complain too much about that! One store even took books I didn't expect them to, and thought I would have a hard time selling so that was just bonus. :)

Did our shopping, visited with Mom and then headed home.

Was a good weekend (other than Tanse dying that is).

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