Saturday, April 01, 2006

I went visiting

So my boyo Justin and I went to visit his Opa and Oma this past week. We were there from Tuesday to Thursday. It was good to see Justin reconnect with my parents.

My mom had SO much fun with him! She kept giving him little kisses! Justin even learned something new....listening to Oma's no was just as important as listening to mom-mom's no! AH!!! Hard lessons for little boys to learn!

Justin had a blast exploring a new house. He was just simply delighted with mom's duck planter that my sister Judy gave to Dad?(I think) a while back.

Dad sat outside with us one afternoon. I was raking the lawn up a bit and Justin was in his stroller. Their dog Heidi is somewhat untrustworthy so Dad made sure that grandson Justin would be safe. It was nice to see them together.

Dad is currently in a whole heap of pain. He is just plain sore..if not from muscle spasms, just from being sore. Sometimes you could just see that he didn't know what to do with himself. He takes a muscle relaxant at night which helps him to sleep.

He's had a bit of a problem with his bowels which isn't so nice. This makes it hard for him to eat well. And sometimes it seems like he just doesn't quite know what's going on...but after three months in the hospital I don't know how aware I would be either! Just sad to see him a bit confused yet.

BUT they both know that God is in control of it all. And they both really rely on God which for me is just so wonderful to see. I just marvel at them sometimes! They are still my greatest heros.

My mom is tired. Taking care of Dad 24/7 is taking it's toll on her. I'm not sure what to do to help...except be a caring daughter with a laughing son who can help ease the load just a tad. God holds us all close.

Our plan is to go up again in a couple of weeks for a day. Just to visit and to hopefully give mom some of her own space again. :) Who knows... maybe I'll make a nice meal again for them.

I surprised Jim by coming home early. He was both delighted and saddened by this. He had hoped to give the house a good cleaning for me and my early return sort of spoiled that for him. :) I thanked him for his thoughts and he was happy I was home so it all worked out well.

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