Sunday, March 19, 2006


This weekend has been a tiring one for our family. Two weeks back Justin had a throat and ear infection. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, and he seemed to get better. But, on Wednesday and Thursday this past week he had a fever. Annette called the doctor and since Justin was still acting normal and eating well, they figured it was a virus and he would get over it in a day or so. Friday he had no fever in the morning and looked good, so we headed out with him, but by noon he had spiked a fever of over 39C so we took him to an Urgent Care clinic. Sure enough he had an ear infection again , either a new one or the old one back due to insufficient or incorrect antibiotics. So Friday night and Saturday night we (read mainly Annette and Justin but me to a lesser extent) got little or no sleep with a fussy baby. Today (Sunday) we are all tired, but Justin was looking more himself. Hopefully he will sleep well now, because mom and dad don't need another night of bad sleep.

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