Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Have to admit it...I like this

Okay, Saturday I went to the Trail's End Market. They have an animal auction there. I sold three bunnies that had been given to me on Thanksgiving Monday, plus a buck that had bad teeth and with all the teeth clipping I've needed to do on him had developed a fair amount of attitude.

I also bought a whole whack of feeder rabbits. As I was packing up a fellow came up asking if he could buy one of the youngsters, I said sure.... he gave me $3 for a bunny I had just paid $1 for so that was all good in my book...and it was such a small bun yet so that worked out well. I have a lady who buys rabbit from me and my buns are not quite big enough for her yet. Anyways....

One of those buns was a nice young lop. I let him sit for a day just to see how he looked. Then called one of my pet store people and asked if they'd like him. Paul said YES! so I brought him down. I paid .75 cents for that rabbit. Sold him to Paul for $10, and while we were still there chatting with Paul a lady came up wanting to buy that same rabbit. Paul sells for $30, so call that quick profit eh? :) Worked out well for all involved...including that young lop who ended up going to a pet home instead of other options available for him.

I also sold Paul 6 mice which were starting to get a bit big for me (all boys and soon they'd start fighting) so that was nice too. Not as much as a private sale, but 75 cents each for something that costs me next to nothing to raise ain't anything to sneeze at either. :)

Then I also sold three bunnies to one lady. :) $60 more in my pocket. Mind that money immediately went to Home Depot to buy wood for making racks for my rabbit cages. I simply LOVE the rack that I've already made so I'm eager to get the other two finished and all my rabbits safely ensconced inside. Then I can get my hay inside, and can close up the tent for the winter. :) Hoping to get that done by end of the week.

all in all....a good day's work. :) Now to sell the rest of those babies.... :) I've people interested so it's just a matter of time and they'll find homes of one sort or the other. Even a guy in Mississauga who wants to buy some breeders (and Jim's going up that way on Friday). So hopefully it will all work out well.

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