Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Discovery Toys

You know how when you go to fairs and so forth you will often see a vendor booth for Discovery Toys? I like their stuff. It's bright, colourful, children like it, it can be educational and so forth. I also find that their stuff is a bit pricey (at least for my book).

BUT!!!! Garage sales can be havens of discovery! This past Saturday we came upon this toy at a local sale.

Thinking & Problem Solving, Fine Motor

Building the tower is just the beginning of this fast-action experience. As children watch the three weighted chime balls race and spin, twirl and drop back and forth, children learn to predict the pattern of the ball pathways. Set up the 8-piece set in different ways. 25" x 14½" x 10" (64cm x 37cm x 25cm). From 24 months-Kindergarten

In Discovery Land it is worth $50. We got it for the princely sum of 50 cents! It only has the one ball (but we've discovered golf balls work too!) Justin loves it. And I have always liked these rolling path ball toys. I think they are neat! And it's fun to switch which ways the path go, and to make the ball stay inside and to just listen to the sounds of the ball going down the pathways. Fun! Fun!

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