Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Timeron has "crossed the bridge" that is "He died"

Yes, I know...I don't believe that animals cross a rainbow bridge... but it is a somewhat nice euphamism....unless of course you see different connotations in the whole "rainbow" part of the bridge...which apparently some people do. Weird.

Anyways, blogger was being stupid and not letting me post a pic so... let's try this from photobucket, not sure how it will work..but giving it a shot anyways. okay...that picture was just WAY too huge to share here... BUT my hubbie darling helped me out AND I learned something to remember it! :)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Today my sweet old pig (correction --- our sweet old guinea pig) died.

He had turned from a sweet old pig into a rather crotchey old man with "issues".

He died just after lunch today, the boy was in bed.

Timeron was a good pig....sired several good looking youngsters. Brought us in some needed cash. :) He liked to nibble fingers ... not to hurt, just to check you out. Was calm for nail clippings. Liked to swim -- has a daughter the same way. He was for most of his life a good solid well-behaved pig.

I'm glad he lasted until after Christmas. :)

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