Sunday, November 12, 2006


I know...what we had was probably NOT the "flu". You know that really nasty virus that affects your respiratory system and makes you feel totally ick? But what we had was NOT fun at all!!!!!!

First Justin got sick. NOT FUN. Jim was gone for the weekend. I got stressed and tired and just hated this sickness thing.

Then I got sick. While in Toronto visiting friends. Not fun. Shortly thereafter Jim got sick... really not fun at all! We returned home. No vacation this week!

Justin stayed sick until Saturday afternoon. He still is completely better BUT for the most part he is back to being a happy, into everything, let's play with this and that and help mommy with this and that normal little boy who is NOT into cuddling. He is still a wee bit of a cuddle monster, but not as bad as he was.

I got better Saturday as well, which is really cool.

Jim on the other hand is still under the weather a fair bit. He was up most of Saturday night visiting the local bathroom. He is TIRED! understandably so!

We're really hoping no one else gets it. I learned in church (went to exeter CRC) that the pastor there had it, and a few others have had it in their church as well. So...we're not isolated...just not appreciative of this particular side-affect of sin in the world. BUT we are thankful that God sustained us through this all.

And very much aware of the blessing of a helpful mom (Jim's mom) through it all.

1 comment:

Rileysowner said...

Don't let Annette fool you. She isn't better yet either, she just pushes though things while I figure I should rest and recuperate. I am happy to say that I am pretty much back to normal.