Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mommy I.....

There are several things Mommy like to hear...

Mommy I can help!
Mommy Look what I did.
Mommy, help me with?
Mommy I learneded this......

Mommy's often don't like to hear....

Mommy I helpeded you wash the floor! Muck helpeded too! He's a big helper!

this after one has put away mop and pail....
then comes into kitchen to see sponges littering the kitchen floor with cold water well....EVERYWHERE!

yes, he helped.
yes, I didn't get angry.... I suppressed that with oh Justin, what a big help you were! Let's go find some towels now eh? let's dry up the floor! wow...isn't it all clean!

NO! We're not washing the floor again. It has to dry now.

1 comment:

Rileysowner said...

That's our boy. LOL.