Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A cold, long days, and gardening

In the last two days I've sold 7 bunnies. Did cut people deals a bit, but overall, still made more than if I sell them as meat rabbits. :)

What you can tell from the header...we've had colds in this house. Jim started it all off last week, Justin caught it this week. It's one of those nasty sit in your sinuses type of colds.

Justin was a bit better today but his breathe has been simply atrocious so I'm thinking tonsils are also involved. So despite his eating today, I'm taking him to the doc tomorrow to see if needs to be medicated to help his tonsils heal up a bit.

Rod DeKoter and his boys are coming up for a visit tomorrow. They'll arrive mid-afternoon and stay for supper. Should be fun. Rod and Jim have been best friends for years. Good people. His wife is visiting her parents who are not doing very well unfortunately.

Justin helped mommy pull weeds this morning in the garden. Well...okay...he didn't really help. Tagu tried to help...but mommy often sent Tagu flying through the air to escape the bad weeds (Really...he was escaping...really!) :)

Rabbits enjoyed those weeds too! Well..except for Moss who's a bit on the picky side for greens eating as of yet.

Got the kitchen and living room cleaned today! YEAH!!! tough job but we got'her done. Had prayer meeting at the house and Jim's office is way too overflowing with books...we need a bigger office I'm a thinking! Too many books...can one ever have too many books????? So we needed to have the rest of the house livable. Found more toys to put out in the garage sale.

Oh...had a garage sale last week. It rained. I still have lots to get rid of. Thinking, if the weather holds nice, I'll sell again on Saturday morning. See if I can't get rid of more "stuff" that I just don't be needing in my house any more. Made a 1/3 of what I am hoping to make overall, but we'll see how it all goes.

Anyways, think that's about it. Talk more again I'm sure in another two weeks or so. :) Cheers!

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