Saturday, September 02, 2006

Justin has a cold

So our boyo Justin has yet another cold. This I think makes cold number one in about 2 (maybe 3) months... he had at least four over the winter.

No, I'm not particularly surprised since we were out and about a lot when we went camping and he is at that stage where EVERYTHING has to be mouth-tested.

This one is NOT a fun cold. Lots of mucous and irritable tempers and so forth.

On the good side, when he sleeps, he sleeps good.
On the bad side, when he coughs...he coughs hard and wakes up. Which makes the sleeping a bit more of a challenge when the Dimetapp wears off.

AND even more good news..... JIM HAS CAUGHT JUSTIN'S COLD!

No... not good news...just scratchy throat news and hopes that it's not going to affect his preaching in the morning AND his sleep tonight!

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